Spiritual Healing

A Christian Ministy of Third Heaven Martial Arts 

What We Believe

We are saved by God’s Grace through Faith

God wants to heal you and will heal you

The Holy Spirit is real and empowers us

Healing is  Real

In 2017, I suffered a fall that left me struggling with a brain injury for seven long years.  In January of 2024 I experienced a miraculous healing. The transformative power of the Holy Spirit restored my health, and I was healed in the name of Jesus, reaffirming my faith and the profound impact of divine intervention. I am now telling others about how Jesus healed me and his healing power is for today. 

Healed from Anxiety

I was suffering from debilitating panic attacks and anxiety that greatly impacted my daily life. Despite numerous attempts to find relief, nothing seemed to help until I turned to the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through constant prayer and unwavering faith, I experienced a miraculous healing. The overwhelming peace and restoration brought by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus transformed my life, freeing me from the grips of anxiety and panic attacks. This divine intervention reaffirmed my faith and the profound healing power of Jesus.
